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Breaker buoyed by drill hits

1 June 2017

Kalgoorlie Miner

Breaker Resources remain convinced of Lake Roe’s potential as a greenfields gold camp after crossing the 80,000m mark in drilling at the 2.2km-long Bombora discovery, 100km east of Kalgoorlie-Boulder.

Reverse circulation drill results released to the market this week showed significant hits within Bombora, with aircore results outside the current known Lake Roe gold system expected in two weeks.

The best intervals came in RC hole BBRC0329, with assays returning 9m at 53.29 grams a tonne from 31m downhole including 4m at 119.42g/t from 31m.

A diamond hole sunk at Bombora also recovered 5.8m at 2.68g/t from 151m including 2m at 6.2g/t from 153m, as well as 5.3m at 7.07g/t from 244m including 3.8g/t at 9.29g/t from 245m.

Breaker executive chairman Tom Sanders flagged deeper drilling of underground targets in future campaigns, as the company works on a maiden resource at Bombora by late 2017.

“The infill drilling is also starting to identify the mineralisation controls – physical features that control the geometry of the gold mineralisation,” he said.

“This will be important for deeper drilling of underground targets. “The deeper intersections in BBDD0010, for example a step-out hole, are particularly important as they highlight new laminated sulphide-rich lodes.” Breaker shares closed at 7 yesterday.