ASX Share Price: BRB
Gold Price: AUD 2,606.10   per Ounce
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News Articles

Breaker achieves 37g/t gold step-out intercept at Lake Roe

29 October 2021

Breaker Resources (ASX: BRB) has reported new gold intercepts from diamond drilling at the Tura Lode system within its Lake Roe Project in Western Australia, with step-out work expanding the boundaries of known mineralisation.

The steeply-dipping lode system, which sits beneath the project’s 3.7km Bombora deposit, was tested by a three diamond holes that returned intercepts including:

  • Hole BBDD0130: 1.6m @ 37.46g/t Au from 401.0m, with an estimated true width of 0.90m
  • Hole BBDD0127: 0.7m @ 16.07g/t Au from 398.5m, 1.54m @ 14.65g/t Au from 408.46m within an estimated 6m true width intercept of 11.5m @ 3.52g/t Au, and 2m @ 5.64g/t Au from 575m (deeper intercept may indicate discovery of new flat lode)

Breaker reports that the results confirm a ‘substantial’ emerging zone of ‘high-grade’ gold mineralisation, lending further weight to underground mining potential below the project’s current open-pit resource.


Speaking on these latest results, Breaker Resources Managing Director Tom Sanders said: “We keep stepping out on 80m sections and keep on hitting the lode as predicted with excellent high-grade intercepts. The Tura lode now extends over 900m down-plunge and remains open to the south with more step-out holes planned. We are hugely buoyed by these results and we have identified up to seven other (south- plunging) steep lodes with scope to keep extending the underground potential. Add to this the high-grade north-plunging stacked flat lodes which have now been traced for over 2.2km along strike to a 500m vertical depth below the northern part of the Bombora deposit, and we feel we are now showing the makings of a substantial underground mining proposition to add to our already defined large open pit resource.”

Visible gold @ ~400m in diamond core from hole BBDD0130
Visible gold @ ~400m in diamond core from hole BBDD0130

Resource expansion drilling at the 1.4Moz Lake Roe Project is ongoing, with two RC rigs working on a 24/7 basis, supported by a third rig which is being utilised on a campaign basis.

Data from current drilling will be used to formulate a resource upgrade, which is scheduled for release in late 2021.

Article by: Jonathan Norris – 29 October 2021